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This page is dedicated to women who, despite going through periods of stress and despair, believed. And are moving forward, transforming and recreating themselves. In one way or another, our paths have crossed and we are mutually transforming each other.


Priscilla Soares

When she helped her son deal with his deafness, Priscila began to strengthen her acceptance of her own hearing loss, recreating and reconnecting with her true Identity.

Age: 39 years old
Profession: Visual Artist
Where Lives : San Francisco, CA (United States)

My story

“When I started coaching, I felt scattered and unfocused. I was very bothered by the constant search for balance between family, relationships, friends, self-care, design work and my hunger to grow with my art and start working with it.

I discovered that this search for harmony is not an external search, but rather an internal one. Let me explain: I sought to have all these factors that involve my day-to-day life controlled and magically distributed by me in such a way that I felt that everything I value had its fair share of my attention and dedication.

I learned through Coaching that this way of thinking is illusory. The search for inner harmony is one in which you feel at peace with everything that life brings you, as a gift. And with that, you live in this present: the now.

When we struggle and try to control the flow of the river that life brings us, we start to attract negative, catabolic energy, bringing stress, exhaustion and a constant feeling of frustration and disappointment with ourselves.

So, with Coaching I began to accept my moments, paying more attention to the signs that life brings us. I began to listen more to that little voice inside, so wise, and with that, I began to respect my time more, generating greater internal and external harmony.
My artistic project has been evolving and taking shape every day. Today I know that from the moment I began to respect my river, I have come across new achievements as if each door opened opened new doors without any effort on my part.

Thank you, Geisa, for opening these new eyes – or these new doors – on my path.”

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