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How OXITOCINAS came about

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Oxitocinas was born from an intense desire to offer support and empower women who, due to their husbands or partners' professional changes, find themselves expatriates, following careers in multinational companies. These women face the challenge of managing a family in a new country, adapting their children to a new culture, new school, new language... a new everything.

On this path of so many reinventions, the weight of the changes often falls on them on a personal level. They leave behind their professions, their social circles and their sense of belonging. After dedicating themselves to adapting the whole family, the need to look at themselves and take care of themselves begins to emerge.

Message from the creator

Geisa Mourão - Creator of Oxitocina, writer and communicator. Passionate about running and moving.

Abroad since 2008. Currently living in Switzerland with her husband and adult children, already taking flight on their own.

Oxitocinas was created for these women – a platform for those who reinvent themselves. Brazilians spread across the world who seek to regain their strength and reconnect with themselves. As our activities have grown, we have encountered diverse profiles of Brazilian women. Not only those expatriates who have the support of large companies, but also immigrants with similar challenges and, often, facing economic and social vulnerabilities. And also those who, even after decades away from Brazil, miss reconnecting with their roots.

Oxitocinas is a safe haven, a space for exchange, collaboration and acceptance among women from different backgrounds. Here, everyone is welcome, regardless of race, financial status, marital status, academic background or otherwise. What matters is the desire to grow – whether in work, health, finances, studies or family life. And, beyond that, we want to “bloom” together – recognize our talents and share them with the world. Contribute not only to our own growth, but to the community where we are, whether in Switzerland, Brazil or anywhere else in the world.

Our daily mantra is: value where we are, without forgetting who we are and who we want to become.

The more we trust and cooperate with each other, the more benefits we will obtain together.

Paul Zak – Head of the team that conducted studies on the effects of Oxytocin at Claremont Graduate University
Source: BBC Brazil – November 9, 2007

Engagement Begins…

Finally, when I rose from the ashes, or from the ice, an inner voice began to scream inside me. Like me, there were hundreds of other women going through very similar challenges and I needed to find a way to share not only my own experience as a Coach and as a Woman, but also to bring these women together, listening to them, learning, sharing their own experiences in their moments of change. We are inspired and we inspire in a perfect symbiosis, as long as we are aware in our moment.

The group's engagement begins to emerge.

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Thus, in June 2017, the

1st OXITOCINAS – an in-person event with around 90 women. All the movement for the big event was carried out with volunteer friends, Brazilian entrepreneurs present here in Switzerland and Brazil who also believe in this path of female empowerment as a way of building a better world.

This is how OXITOCINAS was born, an online and in-person platform for your empowerment.

I'm counting on you to make it grow and prosper!
“Oxytocinated” kisses!

OXYTOCINS and Biology


Oxytocin is a hormone produced in the brain. It is also known as the “Well-Being Hormone” or “Love Hormone”. For decades, it has been known in medicine as the hormone that women produce mainly when they are in labor or when they are breastfeeding. Recently, research has also shown that when we connect in a deeper and more genuine way with each other, we also produce OXYTOCIN. Unlike the hormone cortisol – the stress hormone. When we activate our production of OXYTOCIN, we feel more confident, more in communion with ourselves and with others. We then begin to reduce our conditioned reactions over the years and begin to respond in a more conscious and collaborative way, both internally and externally.


Yes, your best version EXISTS!

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In our connections, we find instant affinities in extremely pleasurable situations and we also find difficult relationships that seem to put us to the test all the time... it's as if we need to use our “best version” without really knowing what that version is or if it really exists.

We always have two choices. React: with fear, anger, resentment or Respond, with love, compassion and goodwill.

The point is that we are not just one thing or another. We vary in our response and reaction, depending on the area where we have greater awareness or greater blockages. Our purpose here is to offer you resources so that you can exercise better choices. Choosing “Oxytocin” instead of “Cortisol”

We can generate stress hormones or well-being hormones in our physical body:

The stress hormone

In the first case:

Cortisol – the stress hormone, we see the world as a great battlefield, of competition and I prepare myself with heavy emotional armor to defend myself.

Results: hopelessness, scarcity and disease.

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The love hormone

On the contrary, when we practice perceiving the world as a field of possibilities and hope, we physically produce well-being hormones – including Oxytocin .

The hormone of Love, Connection, Sharing .

We experience abundance.

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